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Layout utilities

Grid Layouts

The CSS Grid Layout Module has been designed for setting up grid layouts without the need to use older pseudo grid layout systems that use table cells, floats or flexbox. The first version of the CSS Grid specificaction was implemented in a few web browsers in 2017, and CSS Grid is now found in all major web browsers.

Here are some popular resources for learning CSS Grid layout:

When you’ve learned how to use it, CSS Grid is so powerful and easy to use that respected web developers such as Rachel Andrew have said that a CSS grid-based grid system is unnecessary.

So, yes you can learn CSS Grid and then weave your own layout. But I have found myself repeatedy using a simple set of CSS grid layout utility classes e.g. for a quick “two up”, “three up” layout. With several extras, and tiers for media query breakpoint widths, this has become a robust two dimensional grid system (or even three dimentional, becayse you can position grid items so that they overlap).

CSS Grid layout is capable of doing much more than the Codebase grid does. But it has you covered for most or all traditional layouts.

The Codebase grid in theory

Let’s start with some basic concepts and terminology.

A grid consists of vertical and horizontal lines with square or rectangular spaces in between. In web design, we call the lines grid tracks and the spaces grid cells. And the grid is not actually drawn on the browser screen – though it can be visualized e.g. by dashed lines in a browser’s code inspector (dev tools).

Web designers place HTML elements (called grid items in this context) on the grid. The CSS Grid engine “snaps” the elements to the grid tracks, and you can design them to sit on one grid cell or to span multiple cells.

Web browser screens can be any size from very small (phones) to very large (desktop or wall mounted displays). So, unlike with set grids paper-based poster or magazine page designs, and unlike with squared math or graph paper, CSS Grid can be stretchy, which is good for responsive layouts. Grid cells can have any width, dependant on the width of the browser screen, or dependant on the width of the Grid controlled area within a design. And grid cells can have any height, dependant on how much content (or, the height of the content) in an element that is places on the grid.

Codebase’s grid system has utility classes for controlling up to six column tracks and six row tracks.

Grid items are immediate child elements of an element that has the grid CSS class. By default, grid items occupy one grid cell (the smallest rectangle). The Codebase grid system has CSS classes for:

  • Controling tracks at grid wrapper level:
    • Gridgrid initializes the CSS grid. It adds display: grid; but it doesn’t provide information about how many columns you want.
    • Gap – also known as a gutter between grid items:
      • gap (optional) adds vertical and horizontal whitespace along internal grid tracks.
      • col-gap (optional) adds vertical whitespace along internal grid tracks – between columns.
      • row-gap (optional) adds horizontal whitespace along internal grid tracks – between rows.
    • Column control:
      • auto-{x}-cols (optional) – specifies how many columns your layout has (up to six), where each column width can be different. The width depends on the width of the placed element’s content, or you can control it by specifying the width (on a per-column basis).
      • equal-{x}-cols (optional) – specifies how many columns your layout has (up to six), where each column width is equalized. So, if you have two columns each will have width 50%; if you have 3 columns each will be 33.3...%; and so on. (If you have a gap, these column widths are automatically recalculated by the CSS Grid engine.)
  • Controling positioning and spanning at per-grid-item level:
    • Positioning: col-{x} and row-{x} – for positioning each grid item over the grid cells.
    • Spanning: cols-{first}-{last} and rows-{first}-{last} – for handling column and/or row spanning.
  • Grid layouts at different media query breakpoints:

The singular named col- and row- classes are used to instruct the grid which grid cell you want your grid item to be placed on (up to 6 columns and/or 6 rows). The plural named cols- and rows- classes can be used to make grid items to span up to 6 columns and/or 6 rows.

Infographic: the Codebase grid

The Codebase grid in practice

The grid class does not specify or predict where you will position or how you will span your grid items. It just supplies the style display: grid; to initialize your grid area. So far, your layout will still only be in rows:

<div class="grid">

Responsive grid

You can use the xs:, sm:, md:, and lg: prefixes to cause the grid to take effect at different media query width breakpoint widths. So, with the base grid class, there are 5 grid system tiers.

Grid system wrapper Effect
grid display: grid; for all viewport widths
xs:grid display: grid; from 568px (default) up
sm:grid display: grid; from 768px (default) up
md:grid display: grid; from 1024px (default) up
lg:grid display: grid; from 1280px (default) up

Below these breakpoints the CSS grid layout will not take effect.

Grid item wrapping

Grid items will automatically wrap onto a new row if your layout requires it. (This is not like flexbox, where you need to command a flexbox to wrap using a style rule.)

<div class="grid">
<div class="col-1"></div>
<div class="col-2"></div>
<div class="col-3"></div>
<div class="col-1"></div>
<div class="col-2"></div>
<div class="col-3"></div>

When you have wrapping rows like this, you actually don’t need to add col- classes to grid items that drop to the next row (and third row, etc.). The CSS Grid engine will figure out what you want. After you have completed your required number of columns on your first row, CSS grid will automatically position the subsequent row’s grid items consecutively in the same columns as you specified in your first row.

The col- classes on subsequent rows are redundant but harmless – but you can include them if it helps you remember what you are doing, and to explain your intention to other designers in your collaboration.

<div class="grid">
<div class="col-1"></div>
<div class="col-2"></div>
<div class="col-3"></div>
<div class="col-4"></div>
<div class="col-5"></div>

Auto-width or equal-width columns

Both grid auto-{x}-cols and grid equal-{x}-cols specify how many columns your grid will have, before items will wrap to a new row.

  • Use grid auto-{x}-cols if you need columns that have their widths controlled additionally to the grid layout itself (e.g. you are setting a particular width on a sidebar, or you are setting up a columnar menu “buffet”).

  • Use grid equal-{x}-cols if you are setting up a traditional “constrained columnar width” layout or a gallery of images or videos.

The two examples that follow differ only in whether they have auto-3-cols or equal-3-cols.

  • auto-3-cols:

    <div class="grid auto-3-cols">
    <div>ipsum dolor sit</div>
    <div>amet consectetur adipisicing elit.</div>
    <div>Explicabo enim</div>
    <div>velit veniam reiciendis vel inventore sequi quasi</div>
    <div>fugit sunt aliquam!</div>
    ipsum dolor sit
    amet consectetur adipisicing elit.
    Explicabo enim
    velit veniam reiciendis vel inventore sequi quasi
    fugit sunt aliquam!
  • equal-3-cols:

    <div class="grid equal-3-cols">
    <div>ipsum dolor sit</div>
    <div>amet consectetur adipisicing elit.</div>
    <div>Explicabo enim velit veniam reiciendis</div>
    <div>velit veniam reiciendis vel inventore sequi quasi</div>
    <div>fugit sunt aliquam!</div>
    ipsum dolor sit
    amet consectetur adipisicing elit.
    Explicabo enim velit veniam reiciendis
    velit veniam reiciendis vel inventore sequi quasi
    fugit sunt aliquam!

Adding gaps

Add a gap (also known as a gutter) between grid items using gap classes. Grid gaps run in two dimensions:

  • vertically along column tracks: use col-gap
  • horizontally along row tracks : use row-gap
  • vertically along column tracks and horizontally along row tracks: use gap

Codebase uses the same gap property for CSS grid as for flexbox.

Since Codebase v.5.1.0, these have ben set using the same element grid unit spacing variables as are used for the margins and paddings utilities

Element grid measure Utility class suffix
0.5rem -1
1rem -2
1.5rem -3
2rem -4
2.5rem -5
3rem -6

Responsive gap tiers

All of the above gap permutations have 5 responsive tiers: at (all), xs:, sm:, md:, and lg: breakpoints. See grid layouts at different media query breakpoints. Like so:

  • Gaps between both rows and columns: gap- / xs:gap- / sm:gap- / md:gap- / lg:gap-
  • Gaps between both columns only: col-gap- / xs:col-gap- / sm:col-gap- / md:col-gap- / lg:col-gap-
  • Gaps between both rows only: row-gap- / xs:row-gap- / sm:row-gap- / md:row-gap- / lg:row-gap-

That makes 90 (flex or grid) gap utilities.

Gap examples

grid gap-1 equal-3-cols:


grid gap-3 equal-3-cols:


grid gap-6 equal-3-cols:


Column gaps and row gaps


grid col-gap-3 equal-3-cols:


grid row-gap-3 equal-3-cols:


Controlling grid item positioning on a per-item basis

If you don’t specify how many columns on the grid-wrapper level (using auto-{x}-cols or equal-{x}-cols), but you use col- positioning classes on your grid items, the CSS Grid engine can usually figure out what you want, if your layout is relatively simple.

Similar to the behavior of auto-{x}-cols, grid item col- classes do not have a percentile or other max-width built in. So, if you don not constrain columns, then they will expand depending on their content:

col-2 / Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Explicabo enim velit veniam reiciendis, vel inventore sequi quasi fugit sunt aliquam! Incidunt eum alias illo ea laudantium animi possimus amet sunt?
<div class="grid">
<div class="col-1"> ... </div>
<div class="col-2"> ... </div>
<div class="col-3"> ... </div>

Now, if you want the grid item widths to be equalized, use equal-3-cols on the wrapper.

col-2 / Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Explicabo enim velit veniam reiciendis, vel inventore sequi quasi fugit sunt aliquam! Incidunt eum alias illo ea laudantium animi possimus amet sunt?
<div class="grid equal-3-cols">
<div class="col-1"> ... </div>
<div class="col-2"> ... </div>
<div class="col-3"> ... </div>

Controlling grid item positioning with grid-dense packing

Since Codebase v.5.2.6 the utility class grid-dense has been added, to provide an easy way to pack grid cells by moving later items to fill up any empty cells that have been made earlier in the grid layout. grid-dense reorders the appearance of grid items. using grid-auto-flow: dense;.

**Notes on grid-dense:

  1. If you use grid-dense, do not also try to control grid rows.
  2. Do not use grid-dense where the order of grid items is essential — i.e. use it only where it does not cause a problem for accessibility.

Example grid with empty cells:

Item 1
Item 2
Item 3
Item 4
Item 5

The same example grid with grid-dense added to the grid wrapper:

Item 1
Item 2
Item 3
Item 4
Item 5

The same example grid with grid-dense and a gap:

Item 1
Item 2
Item 3
Item 4
Item 5
<div class="my-3 grid grid-dense gap-3 sm:equal-4-cols">
<div>Item 1</div>
<div class="sm:cols-1-2">Item 2</div>
<div class="sm:cols-2-4">Item 3</div>
<div class="sm:col-4">Item 4</div>
<div class="sm:col-3">Item 5</div>

Grid item reordering

You can use col- and or row- classes to display grid items in different positions, and even overlap them. However, with this added complexity, you will need to control both columns and rows (be pedantic), so that CSS grid layout can figure out what you wanting to do.

In the example below, the grid items are rearranged into different columns. But I want still want them to be all in one row (without using grid-dense on the grid wrapper), therefore I must specify row-1 on each item, so that the CSS Grid engine gets it right.

<div class="grid">
<div class="col-2 row-1">First item</div>
<div class="col-4 row-1">Second item</div>
<div class="col-3 row-1">Third item</div>
<div class="col-1 row-1">Fourth item</div>
<div class="col-5 row-1">Fifth item</div>
First item
Second item
Third item
Fourth item
Fifth item

Not exemplified here: you can even overlap grid items by specifying that they occupy the same grid cell (whether entirely or in part). So, it’s a three dimensional grid system!

Spanning multiple columns and/or rows

By default, one grid item sits on one grid cell – the grid item spans one column track wide and one row track high. But you can make grid items span up to 6 columns and/or up to 6 rows using the plural named classes cols-{first}-{last} and/or rows-{first}-{last}.

Note: grid items can occupy grid cells to form any square or recangular shape, but cannot form e.g. irregular “L” shape.

Thinking about one row: the first grid item can span up to six columns (columns 1 to 6). The second grid item can span up to five columns (columns 2 to 6). And so on. And it’s similar for spanning rows.

Example: the second column spans three grid cells, from 2 through 4.

<div class="grid equal-4-cols">
<div class="col-1"> ... </div>
<div class="cols-2-4"> ... </div>

Spanning multiple rows works the same way.

<div class="grid equal-3-cols">
<div class="col-1 rows-1-3"> ... </div>
<div class="col-2"> ... </div>
<div class="col-3"> ... </div>
<div class=""> ... </div>
<div class=""> ... </div>
<div class=""> ... </div>
<div class=""> ... </div>
col-1 rows-1-3

Grid layouts at different media query breakpoints

The grid class merely sets display: grid, without defining columns or rows or anything. Everything is controlled by gap, equal-, col-, cols-, row- and rows- classes.

Besides the exemplified classes above, each of these grid control classes has four more media query breakpoint tiers in Codebase (xs:, sm:, md:, and lg:).

With control of up to six columns and control of up to six rows over 5 media breakpoints tiers (including the base tier), this gives you a lot of layout versatility.

Here’s a simple example: a “gallery” layout with 4 items:

  • For the smallest devices (phones in portrait orientation, below width 568px default), all four items are in one column.
  • Turn a phone to landscape orientation (or do whatever it takes to get your screen/window width to 568px of above) and you get the items in two columns.
  • Also, a grid gap takes effect at the same breakpoint width.
  • Go wider to a tablet in landscape orientation (width 1024px and up), and it’s a four column layout.
<div class="grid xs:gap">
<div class="xs:col-1 md:col-1"> ... </div>
<div class="xs:col-2 md:col-2"> ... </div>
<div class="xs:col-1 md:col-3"> ... </div>
<div class="xs:col-2 md:col-4"> ... </div>
xs:col-1 md:col-1
xs:col-2 md:col-2
xs:col-1 md:col-3
xs:col-2 md:col-4

You can switch on or off column gaps and row gaps at various breakpoints, if you design requires it. The responsive (i.e. media-query controlled) column gaps switch off their respective row gaps, and row gaps switch off their respective column gaps.

grid sm:row-gap md:col-gap equal-3-cols: