Codebase uses a “soft” 0.5rem element grid (default 8px) for consistently positioning elements relative to each other.
This is similar in principle to various 8px grids out there (also known as 8-point or 8dp [device pixel] grids). For example:
In Codebase, one element grid unit = 0.5rem = 8px (default).
How the element grid is used
The Codebase element grid has been deployed a follows:
- By default, the base typography vertical rhythm (line-height) is set at 1.5rem (= 3 element grid units).
- Spacing utilities for margins, paddings and gaps (used in both flexbox and grid) have been set using values from the 0.5rem element grid.
$spacing: (
"0": 0,
"1": 0.5rem,
"2": 1rem,
"3": 1.5rem,
"4": 2rem,
"5": 2.5rem,
"6": 3rem,
$spacing-setup: (
"0": 0,
"1": var(--sp-1),
"2": var(--sp-2),
"3": var(--sp-3),
"4": var(--sp-4),
"5": var(--sp-5),
"6": var(--sp-6),
Infographic: the Codebase element grid
Note: the padding for buttons and table cells corresponds to Codebase utility classes px-2 py-1
. Since this would be used frequently for menu itams, tab labels, etc., Codebase also has p-cell
that adds this margin (margin: var(--sp-1) var(--sp-2);
) in one utility class.
Utility class spacing
The element grid has been used throughout Codebase’s classless (basic) styling. Where element grid units have been used in spacing utility classes (i.e. margins and paddings), these are provided as follows:
Element grid measure | CSS variable | Utility class suffix |
0.5rem |
--sp-1 |
-1 |
1rem |
--sp-2 |
-2 |
1.5rem = 1 line height |
--sp-3 |
-3 |
2rem |
--sp-4 |
-4 |
2.5rem |
--sp-5 |
-5 |
3rem = 2 lines |
--sp-6 |
-6 |