

Responsive Layouts
Activator Components

Activator Classes and Attributes

Element CSS Classes (Prefixes and Suffixes)

  • class="thing-*"

    The Activator component identifier CSS class prefix. thing- can be anything! In Codebase, it’s showhide-, dropdown, modal-, offcanvas-, tab-, accordion-, or slide-. (The thing- must be a single (or compound) word, followed by a hyphen.)

    The same thing- prefix must be used on the components’ control element(s), panel element(s), and wrapper element (if required) in your component.

  • class="thing-control" and class="thing-panel"

    Components have one or more pairs of control elements and associated panel elements, identified by the CSS class suffix -control and -panel. Toggles have only one control/panel pair whereas tabs have multiple control/panel pairs. The CSS class prefix (here examplified as thing can be anything, but it will be the same within these pairs.)

  • class="thing-wrapper"

    Some Activator components also require a wrapper element. E.g. to identify tabs as siblings for purposes of the familiar “dismiss siblings” operation in tab sets. E.g. The modal panel needs a wrapper around itself and its associated backdrop element.

Activator Types

  • data-control="toggle" or data-control="tab"

    Activator components are of two types: either toggle (e.g. showhide, dropdown, modal, offcanvas) or tab (e.g. for tab systems, accordions, simple slideshows). data-control attributes must be placed on control elements.

    Toggle components can also be dismissed with the Escape key.

Activator Hookups

  • Control: aria-controls="unique-name" / panel: id="unique-name"

    Every control element must have an aria-controls attribute that identifies its accociated panel element id.

    Toggle components (showhide, dropdown, modal, offcanvas) can only have one control and one panel. Tab components (tabs, accordions, slideshows) can, and should, have more than one control/panel pair. But in either type or component, each control associates with only its respective panel, via the aria-controls/id hookup.

Activation Class (for the Active State)

  • .active

    Clicking a control element will sometimes toggle or sometimes add an active CSS class on both the control and its panel. (Toggles can be toggled, whereas tabs can only add the active class.)

    In tab sets, you must also set up (your chosen) first tab’s control/panel pair with the .active state in your HTML.

ARIA Expanded

  • aria-expanded="false" or aria-expanded="true"

    Clicking a control element will also toggle its state between aria-expanded="false" and aria-expanded="true", for indicating to visualy impaired people whether the associate panel is expanded or not.

    In tab sets, you must also set up (your chosen) first tab’s control/panel pair with the aria-expanded="true" state in your HTML.

Control State Indicators

  • class="control-indicator-chevron" or class="control-indicator-plus"

    Optional – for toggles only. Adds either an SVG chevron (pointing down) or SVG plus to the control element, using the ::after pseudo element. When the control element has the .active class, the chevron flips to point up, or the plus is swapped for a minus.

Click Away to Dismiss

  • Control: data-click-away="true"

    Optional – for toggles only. Add the optional data-click-away="true" to the control element for “click away” (a.k.a. “click outside”) to dismiss functionality, e.g. on dropdowns, modals and offcanvas sidebars toggle components. Clicking anywhere outside the component’s control or panel elements will cause the .active class to be removed from both.

    (Do not use on tabs.)

Scroll Lock

  • Control: data-scroll-lock="true"

    Optional – for toggles only. Add the optional data-click-away="true" to the control element if your component needs to prevent the scrolling of the webpage while the component panel is active (e.g. for modals). When the component panel is active, CodebaseJS will add the CSS class .body-scroll-lock to the <body> element, and this is what locks the page position to prevent it being scrolled (there’s styling for this CSS class in Codebase, that actually performs the scroll lock).

    The reset (deacivation) of the component will trigger the removal of the scroll lock.