

Responsive Layouts
Typographic Utilities

Large Display Text

The same .t-lg inline text utility class also works as a block utility class. Use it on a wrapper around your important messaging on homepages and marketing landing pages.

.t-lg enlarges text by 1.25em (125%) on small to medium screens and then 1.5em (150%) on medium screens up, to make the enlargement more obvious when viewed at a distance.

As a wrapper utility, .t-lg does not make text grow like .t-long-read does. .t-lg simply enlarges the text wrapped within by 1.25em (125%) on small screens and 1.5em (150%) on large screens.

This makes using the .t-lg wrapper good for “hero” display headings and statements, or for making an important quote or message really stand out.

You can also use .t-lg on the first paragraph in your page or blog post, to lake it an enlarged lead paragraph.

What power you have now! When your client or boss says “make that text really pop” — this is what they are talking about. 😎

With great power comes great responsibility.

Use wisely! 😬

You probably wouldn’t want to do this kind of thing:

<div class="t-lg">
<div class="t-lg">
<div class="h1 t-center">
<span class="t-lg t-heavy">Use wisely! 😬</span>


  1. The breakpoint width for .t-lg is 1024px (default) while the headings’ downsizing breakpoint is 768px (default). So, wrapping .t-lg around headings will cause them to have two downsize steps. This is good – this is what you want, for making your impressively large display headings and messages play well on phones in portrait orientation.
  2. You can’t combine or nest .t-lg and .t-long-read (see long-read text), because .t-long-read overrules .t-lg.

Example from the cover of the Codebase docs:

Codebase is a super tiny website frontend library.

Developed for content management systems and static site generators, Codebase is a small but powerful package of lessons learned from semantic CSS/JS component frameworks (e.g. Bootstrap, Foundation) and utility libraries (Tachyons, Tailwind) – plus some shiny new techniques.

Codebase pairs well with AlpineJS.

<div class="t-lg">
<p class="h1 mb-1">Codebase is a super tiny website frontend library.</p>
<p class="mb-2 t-thin t-loose">Developed for content management systems and static site generators, Codebase is a small but powerful package of lessons learned from semantic CSS/JS component frameworks (e.g. Bootstrap, Foundation) and utility libraries (Tachyons, Tailwind) – plus some shiny new techniques.</p>
<p class="mb-2 t-thin t-loose">Codebase pairs well with AlpineJS.</p>