

Responsive Layouts
Responsive Layouts

Flex Pseudo Grids

Codebase has a simple flexbox 12-column .flex-grid pseudo grid system for traditional layouts – and for supporting old browsers.

If you want a more versatile (and true) columnar grid, then you need the Codebase real grid system. The real grid system works on modern (2017 and up) browsers that support CSS grid – that’s the vast majority of internet users in 2021. However, the old way of setting up a webpage still works. And if you must support Internet Explorer 11 or other ancient browsers, then that’s what you’ll have to stick with a flexbox layout in the short term.

To use Codebase’s 12-column flexbox pseudo grid system, use the special .flex-grid wrapper and give the flex-items classes with the prefix .flex-cols- and a suffix from 1 to 12:

<div class="flex-grid">
<div class="flex-cols-4">cols-4</div>
<div class="flex-cols-6">cols-6</div>
<div class="flex-cols-2">cols-2</div>


  1. Why twelve columns? A dozenal (a.k.a duodecimal) columnar grid is often used in page layout design because 12 divides without remainder into 6+6, 4+4+4, 3+3+3+3, 3+6+3, 8+4, 9+3, etc.
  2. The pseudo grid flex-item widths are controlled by max-width, so that the layout behaves better.
  3. The Codebase .flex-grid class causes flex-items to wrap. This means that if your flex-item (max) widths total more than 12, then they will begin on a new row within the same .flex-grid. This can be used e.g. as a simple way of setting up a tile or image gallery.
  4. Why not name the .flex-grid a row and the .flex-cols as cols (same as Bootstrap, etc.)? Three reasons.
    1. We can avoid some CSS code duplication by combining the pseudo grid and the simple .flex system (see point 5).
    2. We can wrap the content of a .flex-grid to form more than one row within a “row” (see the card gallery example below) – and so to call it a “row” wold be confusing.
    3. The keywords rows and cols (columns) are then available to use in a real CSS grid.
  5. You can use the .flex-grid wrapper with the same flex wrapper modifiers as are used by the simpler .flex system:
  • .flex-gap – see demo below
  • .flex-row-reverse
  • .flex-item-order-start
  • .flex-item-order-end

Pseudo grids using .flex-gap

For the simple flex system, .flex-gap` creates a gutter between flex-items using x-axis margins. This is necessary for use in e.g. menubars. However, for the flex pseudo grid, the gutter is created using x-axis paddings. This is the normal for many flexbox pseudo-grid systems (e.g. Bootstrap).

Flex system Vertical gutter are created by
Simple margin-right and margin-left
Pseudo grid padding-right and padding-left

Example (columns are visualized by placing another <div> with a dashed border inside each):

One quarter
Three quarters
<div class="flex-grid flex-gap">
<div class="flex-cols-3"><div class="b-dashed">One quarter</div></div>
<div class="flex-cols-9"><div class="b-dashed">Three quarters</div></div>

Flex Pseudo-Grids and Media Query Breakpoints

Instead of using the Codebase media-query breakpoint width modifiers (-sm, -md and -lg) on the .flex-grid wrapper, you hav have more versatility and power by placing breakpoint modifiers on each flex-item individually, as in the following example:

This column will be full width below -sm, then one quarter until -lg, then one third.
This column will be full width below -sm, then three quarters until -lg, then two thirds.
<div class="flex-grid flex-gap">
<div class="flex-sm-cols-3 flex-lg-cols-4"><div class="b-dashed h-full">This column will be full width below <code>-sm</code>, then one quarter until <code>-lg</code> then one third.</div></div>
<div class="flex-sm-cols-9 flex-lg-cols-8"><div class="b-dashed h-full">This column will be full width below <code>-sm</code>, then three quarters until <code>-lg</code> then two thirds.</div></div>

(The dashed borders on additional <div>’s are there to show you where the flex-item “columns” are.)

Below -sm the columns in the example above will be full width, stacked.

Note: you can easily make the content elements of flex-items expand to fit the height of flex items (sometimes called “equalizing column heights”) using the dimension utility class .h-full.) This has also been demonstrated in the example above.

Here ia an example card gallery, where within the .flex-grid, items are stacked in a single column on small viewports, arranged in two columns on -sm viewports (i.e. tablets) and four columns on -lg viewports (i.e. laptops up):

Card Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, adipiscing honestatis ius ut, nisl consulatu pro in.


Card Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, adipiscing honestatis ius ut, nisl consulatu pro in.


Card Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, adipiscing honestatis ius ut, nisl consulatu pro in.


Card Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, adipiscing honestatis ius ut, nisl consulatu pro in.

<div class="flex-grid flex-gap">
<div class="flex-sm-cols-6 flex-lg-cols-3">
<!-- Card -->
<div class="flex flex-column w-xs mx-auto b-thin rounded mb-3">...</div>
<!-- Card -->
<div class="flex flex-column w-xs mx-auto b-thin rounded mb-3">...</div>
<!-- Card -->
<div class="flex flex-column w-xs mx-auto b-thin rounded mb-3">...</div>
<!-- Card -->
<div class="flex flex-column w-xs mx-auto b-thin rounded mb-3">...</div>