Codebase is a business class style library for the modern web
Designed to work with static site generators and content management systems, Codebase is a package of lessons learned from front-end component frameworks and utility style libraries, with new Baseline widely supported techniques such as CSS grid, clamp(), and var(). Plus, Codebase works well with AlpineJS.
Starting from a beautifully minimalist set of classless HTML tag styles for cross-browser compatibility, Codebase brings you a “utility first” approach to all this and more...
- Serif, sans-serif, and monospaced font stacks
- Font weights: thin, normal, semibold, bold, heavy
- Heading size also as utility classes
- Large display text for headings and landing pages
- Comfortable long-read font sizes controlled by CSS clamp
- Other text utilities incuding alignments, list formats, etc.
Responsive layouts
- A range of centered container, width, and height utilities
- Real two-dimensional CSS grid layouts for templating
- Flexbox layouts for components
- Fixed and sticky positioning
- Aspect-ratio controlled squared tiles
- Edge positioning
- Responsive invisibility classes
- Color swatches for borders, text, and backgrounds (including hover states) with OKLAB generated lightness levels
- Box-model spacing and borders
- 4 levels of rounded corners
- Box shadows for layering
Image handling
- Responsive images
- Cover images and positioning
- A wide range of aspect ratios — for traditional image sizes and squared tiles
- Image filters and opacities
- Glassmorphic overlays
Simple components (no JavaScript)
- Buttons
- Badges
- Labels
- Heros
- Tables
- Media objects
- Cards
- Whole-panel links
Alpine.JS powered components
- Collapse (slide reveal)
- Dropdowns
- Modals and lightboxes
- Offcanvas panels
- Tab systems
- Simple manual carousel
- Langing page animations
Codebase and its documentation is developed in the Eleventy static website generator, with NPM modules for preprocessing SCSS.
AlpineJS and its plugins are provided from the CDN recommended in the docs.
Other than the Codebase logo, docs icons are from Phosphor Icons.
Placeholder images are from Pexels.